Wednesday, 26 March 2014

A few words

I'm suffering from a sincere case of .. not the blues. I don't even know what colour I am today. Not black either. Or even the mean reds. What colour is wanderlust, mixed with a hint of frustration and a dash of melancholia? - Well what ever that colour is thats what I'm feeling. It's not a bad feeling. But not a good one either.

I'm tugging on an electric cigarette trying to find some thoughts. Some words. And I find myself writing about what a struggle it can be. Me. I'm frustrated that there isn't more. Whilst of course I know there is much. So much. I feel disenchanted with the world, yet the world has never seemed so small as it has to me the last couple of months. I'm tired. Sleep. I'll bang this drum again tomorrow.

Kids, House of Bush

LW held a lunch party on Sunday in her back garden. So good to see Banana. We drank cider and laughed a lot. Smoked too many cigarettes and munched on salads

There is a sense that summer is on its way. Talk starts of Glastonbury and holidays in France and one cant help but get that summer feeling creeping its way in to ones gut with all its delicious butterfly notes and shivers of excitements. But then... maybe thats just the chilly breeze still sweeping around our ankles. I am still wearing tights however - not quite that time of year just yet to remove our leg-warmers and let our legs breath after several months hibernation. White. ghostlike. I have never been one for fake tan and I highly doubt this will be the year to start. 

Smoking kills kids. Fact.

I bought this dress for a tenner in Swansea last summer. I love a good spot. Spots and stripes and florals are just so delicious together.

Monday, 10 March 2014

The Dubarrys

J has been supporting the Dubarrys for a few months. I saw them once before and enjoyed it so I popped along again. Small crowd. Good music. It was good to see A. Haven't seen her in so long. She's threatening to move to NY at some point in the near future. We have discussed me joining her out there at some point. Perfect girl to explore The City with.


The reading carriage: J, S and F

J and F were on cracking form too. Haven't seen either in ages. S had been somewhat pissed off after I had missed the open mic. Moving forward.

Sensing Spaces: Architecture Re-imagined

On Sunday 2nd March, L and I visited the Sensing Spaces exhibition at the Royal Academy. The exhibition is about experiencing the power and the beauty of architecture. It was beautiful, although I altogether felt it would have been a whole lot more powerful had we been able to explore it on our own. But really... when is this ever possible in a gallery.. no matter how badly we want it. This exhibition in particular however did not suit well the hustle and bustle of parents hurrying round their board children. I wanted desperately to experience it in silence, so that I might absorb the structures silent vibrations eerily talking with the spaces around them. A thoughtful name. For whilst we consider the structure of a building as architecture, it is really the spaces that we experience. 

*what is terrible is that this is my FIRST time EVER at the RA. How terrible is that! As a History of Art Graduate I would have expected more from myself... but then why be all doom and gloom and criticize yourself when you might just as well dive in head first with a Membership to the place! 

L and I are now officially Friends of the Royal Academy which actually means we can get in for free, go to all their events and enjoy The Keeper's House, a sort of members club in the day, which then opens to the public in the evening.