Monday, 10 March 2014

Sensing Spaces: Architecture Re-imagined

On Sunday 2nd March, L and I visited the Sensing Spaces exhibition at the Royal Academy. The exhibition is about experiencing the power and the beauty of architecture. It was beautiful, although I altogether felt it would have been a whole lot more powerful had we been able to explore it on our own. But really... when is this ever possible in a gallery.. no matter how badly we want it. This exhibition in particular however did not suit well the hustle and bustle of parents hurrying round their board children. I wanted desperately to experience it in silence, so that I might absorb the structures silent vibrations eerily talking with the spaces around them. A thoughtful name. For whilst we consider the structure of a building as architecture, it is really the spaces that we experience. 

*what is terrible is that this is my FIRST time EVER at the RA. How terrible is that! As a History of Art Graduate I would have expected more from myself... but then why be all doom and gloom and criticize yourself when you might just as well dive in head first with a Membership to the place! 

L and I are now officially Friends of the Royal Academy which actually means we can get in for free, go to all their events and enjoy The Keeper's House, a sort of members club in the day, which then opens to the public in the evening. 

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